As the name suggests , contra refer to those cases in which a part or all of it is not convenient to perform massage.
And are reduced, in most cases, the application of massage in the treatment area , As such (eg . ): It is wise to massage in the cervical region and in the trapezius muscle , a person with significant arterial disease of the lower extremities ( lower limbs ) .
But it does not perform massage in the lower limbs if significant edema . The following are the most important :
During the first three months of pregnancy. After that period , with a prescription , only applied massage while sitting or lying laterally with gentle techniques and avoiding lumbar vertebrae area , belly and chest .
In case of any type of surgery (cesarean section ) , you should leave six months before subjecting the individual to a massage .
Infectious skin diseases (eg . Mushrooms, lupus) and other non-infectious generalized (eg . Allergic dermatitis ) . Decubitus ulcers ( PUs ) and burns.
Inflammatory vascular diseases (eg . Phlebitis ) inflammation of lymph nodes and lymph node chains . Weakness and severe circulatory vascular retentions.
Arterial thrombosis and embolism risk of pulmonary embolism or other body tissues , advanced varicose veins and heart disease in general (eg . Tachycardia , hypertension ) .
Acute or pathological inflammation with typical symptoms : pain, heat, redness (color ) and increased volume.
Bruising , recent bleeding, unhealed wounds , acute sprains, bruises important , acute edema, joint effusions , tendon tears .
Acute illnesses or developmental stage , as fevers , nausea, gastric ulcers or duodenal very advanced .
Metabolic diseases such as gout .
Fibrosis and degenerative muscle diseases.
Acute rheumatic diseases.
Infectious diseases or tumor .
Inflammatory conditions of bacterial origin.
Kidney problems in acute phase. Kidney stones, gallbladder ejection phase .
Muscle strain or tears , pods, tendons , ligaments .
Recent trauma and surgical treatments .
Diseases of the nervous system: Lesions of the pyramidal tract.
Patients with symptoms of nerve compression .
The benefits of massage are numerous, but it is important to know the main contraindications to no harm, and to do so safely and effectively.
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Green Thai Urban Spa